Chef Sanji wrote...
Read the
rules and whatnot.
Don't go into IB without adequate anal lube, okay? Don't want to see you get butthurt ;)
Welcome to Fakku! ^_^
Funny, I may be the only one in the world, but I actually do read the rules for shit beforehand most of the time.
Also, IB?
Rise-chan wrote...
Lol attention whore.
Ya, but I am not getting enough so dis sadness man.
2xj00eL_HM wrote...
well. if you look like
that then i can't resist...
and if you look like this, that is most excellent.
Grenouille88 wrote...
Merry Birthmas and welcome to Fakku.
I like that. And thank you very much, the material in this site [size=5]
that I can now view legally[/h] are very nice.
And thanks errone.