Heils from tha new man on this forum)

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Kaimax Best Master-San
Hello there and welcome to FAKKU!
About the martial arts talk, I've joined Tae Kwon Do for 1 year, and martial arts from Indonesia "Pencak Silat", The name of my Dojo is "Perisai Diri" (English = Self-Shielding?) still training now, I've been training since i was 13 years old.

And about the ninja master, don't expect it to be like Naruto, The real world Ninja is great for it's balance (saw it in discovery channel, the ninja master doesn't sway when standing on a single pole).
Well, I've never thought that in anime they're showing real ninjutsu, real kenjutsu and other martial arts. I'm not foolish enough for it))
Tae Kwon? Well, my sis was into tae kwon do when she was younger. To me, it's not bad, but tae kwon do fighter is using too much energy. That's why I quitted karate couple of years ago.
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