Sneakyone wrote...
Welcome to Fakku, hope you enjoy the forums!
Thank you very much. :3
artcellrox wrote...
5 years?! That means you've been lurking here since it was made, since Fakku just became 5 years old a few days ago! :O
Finally, welcome aboard. :)
It's 4 years. Sorry for my mistake >_<.
I remember that I found this site in January 2007. In that time I'm Neon Genesis Evangelion mania. I want to collect Evangelion dojin as much as possible and I found some dojin about Evangelion here. ^_^
Gravity cat wrote...
A veteran lurker. What kept you from making an account?! Glad you've finally made one though. Welcome to the forums!
I just decided to join this forum because my English is very poor before. It's embarrassing XD.
Ah that'll be why... well your English is really good so be sure to feel proud of yourself!
Thanks! English is my reason that I don't register Fakku account XD. I think this forum will make my English skill will be better :>
DarkLeo wrote...
welcome to fakku veteran lurker have fun also mi english is not good but im still here
Thank you. I look forward to be friend with you. ^_^
kitty93 wrote...
Hi! Welcome to the forums.
Your english is fine, i'm not a native either, but its not like everyone is payng too much atention to spelling and all that 3-3
You'll have fun being part of te community :3
Thank you for your warm welcome. :)
azylsagara wrote...
[font=comic sans ms]Hello and welcome for the forums! Hope you enjoyed all the vast changes to the site.
My boyfriend lurks the site for about the same time as you as well so I suppose you're not the only Veteran Lurker.
Yes it is, I think there are many people are Veteran Lurker of Fakku. Especially peeple who love ecchi and hentai thing who was search new site about ecchi and hentai everyday. ;D
Lollikittie wrote...
Hey There!~
Don't worry, your English isn't that bad for being your second language. You seem to have the fundamentals down, so don't sweat it. n-n
Welcome to Fakku, and I hope you have a lovely day!
Thanks! X)
God91125 wrote...
Posting on the forums will be a great way to help improve your English, so have fun here and type away. xD Besides it seems pretty good! *thumbs up*
Thank you very much! T_T