gammagon wrote...
It's an odd list, but:
-Computer Games
-Anime (Favorites include Railgun and Gosick)
-Music (Love Pink Floyd and a variety of classic rock)
-Growing food/gardening
-Drawing (I'm not very good)
-Urban Exploration
-Politics/debating (sometimes)
I have heard Railgun and Gosick but I need watch to them.
I don't read too much once I'm in college that will probably change.
I like your taste in music, nothing wrong with classic rock.
Pottery? I don't hear many people with that like but it's a useful skill to have.
Quite the Farmer, aren't you? Good to keep that green thumb working.
I don't what Urban Exploration is...
I actually start my studies of Psychology my Senior year of high school.
I like Philosophy as well.
I don't usually like politics or debating because that usually stirs drama.