Hello I have been lurking on this great website and had a profile since 2009 and finally had the guts to post something. My name is Kendaru and I'm open to any suggestions on things to check out. My first language was mandarin,Cantonese etc..(I'm Chinese-American) and I know English, Korean, and I'm learning Japanese so yeah hope to make some friends on here sorry for the years of lurking without posting.
wow that is a lot of languages... Hello Kendaru. Welcome to the forums.
By the way. do not apologize for not posting in a long time. It was your choice to post here not our choice.
Thank you. I'm in school learning more languages working on becoming some sort of a professional translator(not sure what) after I get a good grip on Japanese next up Vietnamese or Laotian(dang I am a nerd) and one day I will go live in Hong Kong or Osaka!!!!!!