Grock wrote...
Welcome to FAKKU!
Tell us about yourself. What are your interests and hobbies?
Well I'm 22 years old, I'm currently studying a bit of human psychology, Politics, and a bunch of other stuff I need to gratuate from the university.
Free time; Mostly used online with the friends. You know, games, chats, also movies from time-to-time, though mostly just to through shit comments and unreasonable demands as to what it should have been like :P
I also go kayaking with the old man sometimes, though that have radically changed since I started my study.
I don't really go to parties, unless it's a family member or an close friend; the drunk mood that appears isn't so appealing to me.
Grock wrote...
What are your favourite types of H-manga?
Well since I Haven't read alot, I'd have to go with the normal girl-on-guy stuff.
But still, this whole ordeal is like discovering a cellar you never knew you had; and now I'm just roaming through it all for now. So it would be some time before I could give a real answer.
yurixhentai wrote...
Welcome to FAKKU! Your English is spot on. You can spell better than most natives.
Thanks! that's genuinely reassuring :)