akuma2002 wrote...
Hello and welcome to Fakku! Lovely avatar too :)
Thanks, I like K-ON too! I'm about the finish the second season :)
Ryssen wrote...
YuiSenpai wrote...
I think my favorite movie is the green mile, followed by the shawshank redemption.
They both have a really good story and amazing acting.
I also like the more mainstream movies, like the movies in the marvel universe and star wars.
My top 5 is:$
1. Green mile
2. The shawshank redemption
3. The star wars series(A new hope is my favorite)
4. Matrix 1
5. Alien(The one from 1979)
What kind of movies do you like?
So in short you're a fan of Stephen King adaptions. Have you watched
Stand By Me or
The Shining? They are also adapted from King's books. Although
The Shining is very different from the original book but hey, Kubrick directed it.
I myself prefer
Shawshank over
Green Mile. Mainly because of the simplicity in
Shawshank. There's never any difficulty understanding the events or plot in
Shawshank while in
Green Mile there's a mystery element. Which can get confusing at times. Both stories are beautiful and told with great details. Frank Darabont does a great job at adapting the stories almost word for word.
"Andy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side."
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
"Get busy living, or get busy dying"
To be frank, I have no idea which part of the movie franchise "New Hope" is. It has to be more than 6 years ago I last saw the old classic Star Wars movies. Same goes with Matrix.
Alien is sure a great claustrophobic horror movie. Although my favorite claustrophobic horror movie is
The Shining for it's realism.
Here's my favorite movies. Not necessary the best movies I have watched but the ones I liked the most.
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
2. Fight Club
3. 12 Angry Men
4. The Shawshank Redemption
5. The Shining
6. The Good, the bad and the ugly
7. The Godfather Part 1
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
9. Chinatown
10. Reservoir Dogs
And another thing, are you interested in joining a Skype movie club? If so then PM me your Skype username.
We're watching "Kara No Kyoukai Part 4" today at 8 PM PST however since you live in Holland it would be the same time as me, 4 AM in the morning. I know, the time sucks for us Europeans.
My movie thread.
I haven't seen either of those movies, but I've heard about The Shining.
I think that one is gonna be the next on my to-watch list :)
Thats what i liked about the green mile, the mystery part.
I especially liked the part when John cured that girl.
I also liked the touch of fun stuff, like the time they were chasing the mouse :P
I haven't even watched most movies on your top 10 list, other then 4 and 10.
It's been a long time since I watched Reservoir Dogs, but from what I can remember I wasn't very impressed. It just looked like the typical gangster-everything-goes-wrong kinda scenario.
But again, that was a few years ago so maybe I'll watch it again.
I would really like to join a skype group like that, I'll be sure to PM you my skype name.
The time would be okay if we only watched movies in the weekends, on working days I have to get up at 7 AM.
But if its just in the weekends, I will definitely come and watch.