Well as you may or may not know, sometime last year there was a crackdown on streaming Licensed videos without permission. Users kept uploading said videos to Fakku, so it was taken down by Jacob, the site creator. What little we have left, I'm assuming isn't licensed.
Contrary to what above users have said,
stay away from I.B unless you've done some lurking and are confident that you won't piss off the locals. I.B is essentially the arse-hole of Fakku, and generally don't take nicely to newer users unless you aren't an attention whore.
Read the rules.
Oh, and if you make any threads but have second thoughts about making them, unless nobody's replied to them,
DO NOT TRY TO DELETE THEM, IT WON'T WORK, you'll only delete the first post and it won't delete the thread. Contact a Moderator to have it locked or deleted instead, or report your post using the buttons on the right and ask for it to be locked or deleted. As you can probably tell, that's been happening alot recently and it's piss-annoying.
Welcome to the forums mang.