[Locked] Hello Everyone I Am New To This Site

Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
elfen lied wrote...
sorry for askin i know it was rude and all that but when you said you have homework i was jus checkin you wer'nt jailbait know what i mean?

I go to college thats why =P tryen to get my general degree atleast Im horrible in school in high school I was lucky to get pass

im about to start college how is it?

Hell 5 hours for 1 class sitting there bored as hell then every night you get like 5 hours+ worth of hard home work

im terrible at balancing my time how about you there are just so many things i would rather do.

Im horrible too but I have to get it done and as you can see it isnt getting done =p

I use to come to high school worn out from late night activites my teacher would complain and i told her as long as it gets done who cares.

My favorite teacher was my my 5th period teacher he didnt care what we did he just came in sat down with lunch from soimewhere and a monster drink and said we could work and pass or sit around and talk and fail and he would ride motorcross with us and everything

lucky my coolest teacher was my 6th grade math teacher he had a huge afro LOL.
I was a TA 6th period and he hated me said I distracted the class to much because I talked to much so he would just let me leave just told me to come in for attendence and if anyone asks he didnt know

ive never seen this many quotes together LOL.
It looks crazy =P

It looks so crazy when you scroll down... It's hipnotizing. Damn. And I will help the community by helping to get this thread to 10 pages. XD
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
may i say welcome to the fakku community
1:i find it funny that u already got a rep lol
2:i swear ive seen u before(did u make a youtube vid cuz thats were i think ur from)
3:wow congrats for having amazing.....looks shall i say 0.0
lol anyway every1 her tends to e nice so yea =)
Thank you very much and what do you mean I have a rep??? whats that
No ive never made a youtube video before I dont know how I wish I did
I just have a myspace and this and thats pritty much it
>.> well yea everyone seems nice ^-^

o well under ur name u have this thing called reputation if a person decided to they will give u a + 1 rep and o ok about the youtube thing

Can I give myself - or report myself? =P

lol no on the give and i dont think so on the report and my god ppl like u already lol
People Like Me????

from the looks of it ive never seem a topic go so fast in pages...
PersonDude wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
animeholic1 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
elfen lied wrote...
sorry for askin i know it was rude and all that but when you said you have homework i was jus checkin you wer'nt jailbait know what i mean?

I go to college thats why =P tryen to get my general degree atleast Im horrible in school in high school I was lucky to get pass

im about to start college how is it?

Hell 5 hours for 1 class sitting there bored as hell then every night you get like 5 hours+ worth of hard home work

im terrible at balancing my time how about you there are just so many things i would rather do.

Im horrible too but I have to get it done and as you can see it isnt getting done =p

I use to come to high school worn out from late night activites my teacher would complain and i told her as long as it gets done who cares.

My favorite teacher was my my 5th period teacher he didnt care what we did he just came in sat down with lunch from soimewhere and a monster drink and said we could work and pass or sit around and talk and fail and he would ride motorcross with us and everything

lucky my coolest teacher was my 6th grade math teacher he had a huge afro LOL.
I was a TA 6th period and he hated me said I distracted the class to much because I talked to much so he would just let me leave just told me to come in for attendence and if anyone asks he didnt know

ive never seen this many quotes together LOL.
It looks crazy =P

It looks so crazy when you scroll down... It's hipnotizing. Damn. And I will help the community by helping to get this thread to 10 pages. XD
*has no clue what he is talking about* =P
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
may i say welcome to the fakku community
1:i find it funny that u already got a rep lol
2:i swear ive seen u before(did u make a youtube vid cuz thats were i think ur from)
3:wow congrats for having amazing.....looks shall i say 0.0
lol anyway every1 her tends to e nice so yea =)
Thank you very much and what do you mean I have a rep??? whats that
No ive never made a youtube video before I dont know how I wish I did
I just have a myspace and this and thats pritty much it
>.> well yea everyone seems nice ^-^

o well under ur name u have this thing called reputation if a person decided to they will give u a + 1 rep and o ok about the youtube thing

Can I give myself - or report myself? =P

lol no on the give and i dont think so on the report and my god ppl like u already lol
People Like Me????

from the looks of it ive never seem a topic go so fast in pages...

Realy? that is good right?
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
biglw17 wrote...
may i say welcome to the fakku community
1:i find it funny that u already got a rep lol
2:i swear ive seen u before(did u make a youtube vid cuz thats were i think ur from)
3:wow congrats for having amazing.....looks shall i say 0.0
lol anyway every1 her tends to e nice so yea =)
Thank you very much and what do you mean I have a rep??? whats that
No ive never made a youtube video before I dont know how I wish I did
I just have a myspace and this and thats pritty much it
>.> well yea everyone seems nice ^-^

o well under ur name u have this thing called reputation if a person decided to they will give u a + 1 rep and o ok about the youtube thing

Can I give myself - or report myself? =P

lol no on the give and i dont think so on the report and my god ppl like u already lol
People Like Me????

from the looks of it ive never seem a topic go so fast in pages...

Realy? that is good right?

lol i think so but ima stop now before this 1 gets any longer lol
come on people your startin to make my computer really laggy so please can you stop the quotes please
Fine Ill stop the quotes just because Im nice like that... or am I
hmmm look like we have to watch out for u :twisted:
biglw17 wrote...
hmmm look like we have to watch out for u :twisted:
O.O maybe you will
Melissa805 wrote...
Fine Ill stop the quotes just because Im nice like that... or am I

ooo you've got a nasty side hey i wouldn't mind seein that side of you :wink:
elfen lied wrote...
Melissa805 wrote...
Fine Ill stop the quotes just because Im nice like that... or am I

ooo you've got a nasty side hey i wouldn't mind seein that side of you :wink:

hahaha lol thats like the second chick ive seen u hit on sence ive been here lol
wrong i think it's the fourth... yeah fourth
this is weird i cant access the 6th page because of that huge ass quote me and melissa did.
Naw Im pritty much a shy nice person I dont realy have much of an evil side though somtimes I wish I did
elfen your coming up on 500 posts tonights the night man.
Huh what dose that mean
stop it you make me sound like an spammer and iv'e been blocked on my other forum because of spamming

@melissa: i may become a FAKKU elite (it goes elite, elder and summin)
it says it under his name how many post he has done and hes about to reach 500 ive only done like 150 or lower
just a good occasion you become a elder when you hit 2000 i think.
nvm i have 151...woot...152 now lol
Monster Girl
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