Mangaexpert wrote...
Seriously, dont start hating on Oneshott
He did what he should have done
She made a stupid mistake, he corrected her
Okay, he was a little harsh, but he didn't insult her more than once, and he did apologize afterwards
Frankly, that was what was expected,
The insult wasn't even that grevious, it was minor, and there are plenty of people here who would have said much wrose
He did what any of us would do, so dont go hating on Oneshott
Ok, I was going to stop, but this nonsense you're spouting ticked me off slightly.
First off, oneshott wasn't correcting her. What he said was the "correct" way is fucking wrong too.
You want to know why? Because we aren't writing the fucking name is Japanese. It's only weeaboo nonsense that we think it's better to see it like such because "it's more proper". Wrong, it's always wrong if it isn't in Japanese.
The only reason you should get annoyed is that there isn't a consistent usage for the names which are important in determining context of what someone is saying. But the second you start talking about what is proper and improper while still using the romanized name, you are a little weeaboo elitist fucker and that's it.
As for what is the write way to write it? Well considering we are romanizing everything else, not just the sound, the way it is written too. That means that in the romanized version, the name should appear the way we write them. Given Name, Family Name.
So guess what, she wrote it the correct way. Only weeaboo fucks who want to be "more proper to the culture" think that it should be written as such and that it makes for a better experience. But this is a fucking hypocritical focus as they are perfectly fine, no dependent on the fact that everything else is rewritten to the proper form in English or other Latin based languages as it completely changes the way the verb and nouns are placed in a sentence.
And this is what oneshott was doing. In an art thread that is suppose to be about fucking art, not how to be a proper weeaboo, about art and how it looks. Who the fuck cares how she wrote the damn name. How she drew it IS MORE IMPORTANT!
So no, what oneshott did, coming in being an elitist weeaboo fuck thinking that what he was saying made him more of a fan, yes he was saying that, is complete nonsense and asshattery.
And you are a fucking moron for suggesting it was anything else.
The end.