Hello Fakku, I'm the internet's sole darkiway, small time youtuber/da artist/forum admin as well as an avid hentai fetishist. I've been lurking around the site for more than a year or two now, but never got around to making an actual account. My desire to answer polls drove me to making one, however, and so here I am, nice meeting you all.
Incidentally, what are reputation points? I was given one on my first post but am not sure what they are about. I have lurked for over a year and have always wondered.
Thank you all for the welcome. I'll make sure to get an appropriate avatar soon, just can't make up my mind yet lol. As for Zero-Hour, its funny you should ask since your avatar has porygon Z in it; I'm one of the admins over on the pokemonlance forums. Kinda small, but we enjoy steady growth despite occasional activity drops, and its a cheery place for people of all ages.