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Do you like Yuri ?

Total Votes : 5
I'm Joe, I've used this site for quite a long time >;D, it's an amazing site, but I never really had much interest in the forum activities : /

Well, I decided to join up now, anyway,
so Hajimemashite, dozo yoroshiku? (lame -_-')
Kaimax Best Master-San


About yuri....It depends...
heh, I have no problem with being active... but supportive? hmm..

what's wrong with Yuri ? =.=
Kaimax Best Master-San
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
heh, I have no problem with being active... but supportive? hmm..

what's wrong with Yuri ? =.=

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't . As I said it depends for me. :D
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote:
heh, I have no problem with being active... but supportive? hmm..

what's wrong with Yuri ? =.=

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't . As I said it depends for me. Very Happy

Well... Do you like these?

btw I realise the first pic isn't yuri, but I like it and it was on /u/, so..

Forum Image: http://orz.4chan.org/u/src/1211631951742.jpg

Forum Image: http://orz.4chan.org/u/src/1211605080862.jpg
Kaimax Best Master-San
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote:
heh, I have no problem with being active... but supportive? hmm..

what's wrong with Yuri ? =.=

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't . As I said it depends for me. Very Happy

Well... Do you like these?

btw I realise the first pic isn't yuri, but I like it and it was on /u/, so..

Forum Image: http://orz.4chan.org/u/src/1211631951742.jpg

Forum Image: http://orz.4chan.org/u/src/1211605080862.jpg

I don't if it's just me (my internet speed is kinda crappy right now) or your link doesn't work.....the picture won't load....

try imagevenue.com if you want to post thumbnail linked pics, to reduce bandwidth cost. :D
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote:
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote:
heh, I have no problem with being active... but supportive? hmm..

what's wrong with Yuri ? =.=

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't . As I said it depends for me. Very Happy

Well... Do you like these?

btw I realise the first pic isn't yuri, but I like it and it was on /u/, so..

I don't if it's just me (my internet speed is kinda crappy right now) or your link doesn't work.....the picture won't load....

try imagevenue.com if you want to post thumbnail linked pics, to reduce bandwidth cost. Very Happy

lol that's weird it works fine for me.. o.0 I'll use imagevenue.com next time then, lol.
Welcome to Fakku SymbioticYuriGuy (That's quite a name) and enjoy your stay.
Quite a name?

3 words, just like yours ;D

Matt - a - rat

Symbiotic - Yuri - Guy

Difference is, your name makes you seem like you enjoy painting rodents, and my name makes me seem weird.

lol.. and I am enjoying myself.
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
your name makes you seem like you enjoy painting rodents

It's my Hobby.
This week I painted 7 rats the colours of the rainbow. They look great when they are lines up =D
Wow, that sounds entertaining, I've tried painting a wall before, and that was pretty fun, I guess you must have bored of that and took it to another level?

So, what type of brush do you use, the real thin ones, to get in all the cracks, or do you roughly slap on the colour with a wide, think brush ?
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
Wow, that sounds entertaining, I've tried painting a wall before, and that was pretty fun, I guess you must have bored of that and took it to another level?

So, what type of brush do you use, the real thin ones, to get in all the cracks, or do you roughly slap on the colour with a wide, think brush ?

It depends on the type of mood I'm in. This week, for the rainbow I used a thick brush as to cover a large area. For other weeks, when I want to just give them goatee or monocle, I use the thin brush.

I'm sure if I got someone who's high and just showed them the coloured rats running around, it would be quite the trip for them.
Well, have you ever considered shaving the rodents and then dipping them into a pot of varnish? I think that sounds very fun, and no need for tedious brush work! You could make 10 shiny, smooth rats within a minute.

You shouldn't tell them they are painted, though. ;)
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
Well, have you ever considered shaving the rodents and then dipping them into a pot of varnish? I think that sounds very fun, and no need for tedious brush work! You could make 10 shiny, smooth rats within a minute.

Varnish eh? I'll consider that on the next batch.
You could always just lubricate them and one-by-one force them to scramble into your bowels? I wonder what that would feel like... hmm...
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
You could always just lubricate them and one-by-one force them to scramble into your bowels? I wonder what that would feel like... hmm...

Aren't they lyrics from a song?
I remember a friend of mine frequently listeing to a song by M&M (cba to spell it) that had lines about him "reching orgasm" (of course, said in a much less polite manner) from a hamster scrambling around in his bowls.
Hmm, that must be a weird song.. So it's about pleasuring yourself by inserting a hamster into your anus? Link me o.o
Here it is.

Hahahahaha, rap sucks so much, I don't want to listen to THAT. I'll take your word for it o.o
I know. Not a fan myself, but this mate of mine was like "Lol you gotta hear this song" for like a good 4 weeks. That's the only reason as to how I know this song exists" The Hamster bit is at 2:20 if you are interested.
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