Hello Thar!

Sups! I'm a Fakku newbie to the forums. Although I have only been participating in the forums over the past couple of days, I have been checking out the doujins on this site for a long time.

My current accomplishments include the viewing/downloading of all the good doujins in the None series. I personally like it when authors try to make stories of their own rather than rely on some anime that was out recently for their creativity. Although I can't read Japanese, I still like the Japanese doujins if I can guess the story and if the artwork is really good. Sometimes I find myself laughing my ass off to stories that I come up with in my head while viewing them.

I hope to at least become acquainted with some of the regulars here and I'm pretty much a computer expert since I worked at PCTech in a corporation so I will be frequenting the computer section a lot and probably the video game section too.

If you guess what my Avatar is, you will win a cookie =D
February? A late welcome to you!

I'm gonna take a guess at you avatar and say Guts from Berserk?
damn your good, I was thinking he kinda looked like superman just with a red overlay. Well here is your cookie!:

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omg it got ruined! sorry about that lol, but the forums don't like spaces I guess.
Welcome to Fakku nsl41288
Oha-Lucky! Welcome Nsl41288 and may you enjoy your stay here cho!

That is quite a big number you have at the end of your username. Does it represent anything?
hi and welcome to FAKKU im the local.... well atm im jus your average joe
nsl41288= Neal Scott Leihser 4/12/1988

yup I know, giving out your real name and birth date on the internet is bad, but I like to live dangerously.

I like this forum community so far, gives me something to do when I procrastinate school work.
nsl41288 wrote...
nsl41288= Neal Scott Leihser 4/12/1988

yup I know, giving out your real name and birth date on the internet is bad, but I like to live dangerously.

I like this forum community so far, gives me something to do when I procrastinate school work.

Welcome, I'll send a basket of fruit to your address to formally welcome you to the family.
nsl41288 wrote...
damn your good, I was thinking he kinda looked like superman just with a red overlay. Well here is your cookie!:

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as a fellow late-bloomer i bid you welcome.
sup. welcome to FAKKU!
You guys are too kind.
Monster Girl
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