My old stomping grounds at HentaiHQ got nerfed for a variety of reasons, so I was without a hentai community, lucky for me I saved a lot of the pictures I liked from that site. :) Fakku looks to be more fun anyway. (but don't tell them I said that)
So once the image section is back up I'll be sure to share my upwards of 2 gigs of lovely hentai imagery. ;)
Anywho, those of you who can place where my name is from (and no, it's not a video game ~_~) get props, altho I prefer the norse stuff myself. I love video games, reading, and flirting with all the women at my place of work. (Even if they manage to bust my balls daily.) I'm also a giant fanfiction nerd unfortunately, but we all have our guilty pleasures. I look forward to seeing you all around.