Hentai refugee

My old stomping grounds at HentaiHQ got nerfed for a variety of reasons, so I was without a hentai community, lucky for me I saved a lot of the pictures I liked from that site. :) Fakku looks to be more fun anyway. (but don't tell them I said that)

So once the image section is back up I'll be sure to share my upwards of 2 gigs of lovely hentai imagery. ;)

Anywho, those of you who can place where my name is from (and no, it's not a video game ~_~) get props, altho I prefer the norse stuff myself. I love video games, reading, and flirting with all the women at my place of work. (Even if they manage to bust my balls daily.) I'm also a giant fanfiction nerd unfortunately, but we all have our guilty pleasures. I look forward to seeing you all around.
Well, welcome to Fakku! What kinds of fanfics do you read?
Welcome to Fakku Vasuki and Enjoy your stay.
Thanks for the welcomes. <3

As for fanfiction, I read mostly Naruto and Harry Potter, mainly because 95% of all fanfiction is either naruto or harry potter... I'll read anything I'm familiar with that's good though. >.> But that aside, both universes have a huge amount of potential for tweaking, what with magic and jutsu both giving free license to say "Pretty much do whatever the fuck you want." If you know any good final fantasy tactics (the original) or disgaea fics, I'll read the crap out of them too.
Well, if I find any good fanfics in those series, I'll let you know, although I am more into Pokemon fanfics.
Yeah HentaiHQ was the bomb, but :3 so far Fakku is good too :] Its my new home, Welcome :]
Monster Girl
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