Eternal! wrote...
Hey Fakku Community~
I'm a long-time lurker and recent member whose barely ever visited the Fakku forums before so... I feel slight half-in-half-out of this world.
I'm male, a studier of English Lit (hence why I can use studier without feeling ashamed) and a passionate if frequently lazy writer who enjoys comedy, the gothic, sci-fi, fantasy, among many others. In an ideal world I want to write books, radio or television stories for young adults and children, but that's an awfully long way off. In the mean time I mostly plan vast series I never actually write, mess about with short stories and write extremely perverted erotica~
Nice to meet ya ^^
please come visit the writing and fanfiction section!
the writing and fanfiction section always has contests and prizes when it comes to writing
for more information lurk over here~