And so another pervert joins the horde.
Hey there everybody, Comartemis here. I've been a part of Fakku for a little while now but the MoteMote character battles have convinced me to start posting in the forums; if Fate's going to lose Saimoe to a fucking doll, then we'll just have to make sure she wins MM! FATE & NANOHA FOREVER!
Sorry, I get like that sometimes.
Anywho, obviously I'm a big anime person but I'm also big on video games and role-playing games like what's going on over on Tales of Fakku (y'all need to post more often! It's downright dull without people participating!). Currently I'm a college student who's out of work so I can't easily keep up with the latest things in anime (Part of the reason for my unfamiliarity with Rozen Maiden, but from what Wikipedia tells me it sounds like a really stupid idea anyways). I'm tryin', though!