Hey, all

And so another pervert joins the horde.

Hey there everybody, Comartemis here. I've been a part of Fakku for a little while now but the MoteMote character battles have convinced me to start posting in the forums; if Fate's going to lose Saimoe to a fucking doll, then we'll just have to make sure she wins MM! FATE & NANOHA FOREVER!

Sorry, I get like that sometimes.

Anywho, obviously I'm a big anime person but I'm also big on video games and role-playing games like what's going on over on Tales of Fakku (y'all need to post more often! It's downright dull without people participating!). Currently I'm a college student who's out of work so I can't easily keep up with the latest things in anime (Part of the reason for my unfamiliarity with Rozen Maiden, but from what Wikipedia tells me it sounds like a really stupid idea anyways). I'm tryin', though!
welcome aboard to the heaven for ALL perverts! LMAO XD anyways nice ta meet cha!
Welcome to the forums, Comartemis! Hope you enjoy yourself.
Monster Girl
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