Name's Alan! 18 years of age from Canada, attending Wilfred Laurier University and Waterloo for double degree BioChemical Engineering. I'm a Vietnamese and French mix.
Yeah I know I seem pretty young, but believe me that I read hentais (Vanilla Incest or die) back when I was probably 15. Asides from that, I love playing soccer, tennis, and badminton. I game quite abit too, playing League of Legends and Osu on the computer, and mostly Jrpgs on the Playstation ("Tales of" Series are my favourite with Final Fantasy).
As for animes, I watch mostly harems I guess. Currently on No Game No Life and Btoom! right now.
Nice to meet everyone! -bows-
EDIT: I also take Japanese classes so I know Katakana and Hirigana :)