I'm new to the forums, fairly new to the site. I'm a fan fiction author who specializes in the anime worlds of InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Ruroni Kenshin (just beginning to dabble in the Bleach realm). I'm co-mod of a lolicon community and I have a thing for happy het. shouta (though automail fetish shouta is good too!!). I also do photoshop manipulations for my fan fic friends (y'know, because I can't really draw for *%^#, but I can manipulate like an SOB). IRL, I'm a wife and mommy to a 3 month old little boy and have a degree in architecture and interior design. My favorite anime characters are the perverts, aka Miroku, Shunsui Kyoraku, Kon, Roy Mustang and Jean Havoc. Looking to expand my hentai universe, that's how I found this place (also was referred her by some fan fic authors).
And no, my name does not come from Sonya Blade, it was inspired by a Star Wars character named Mara Jade.
Cool, another Mommy! Welcome, my dear. I am Cream. Like you, I am a mommy too.
Ne ne, I have the hots for Miroku, too <3 and I hope to bump into you some time soon. Have fun around the site :)