Hi, I'm new(ish)


I discovered Fakku a couple of months back. Recently starting to discover the community aspect, so I figured I'd say hi. I picked a rather random account name and it seems like I'm stuck with it, oh well :-)

I've been collecting western alternative comics and fantasy/scifi/erotic art for many years. I'm ashamed to say that I've thought of manga in terms of negative stereotypes for a long time. Fortunately, I've realized my mistake and found that it's not all about small naive girls with spiky hair (yes you can laugh at my ignorance), but that there's a lot of fantastic artists in manga and anime creating incredible works in at least as many subgenres as in western comics.

So I've got a lot of catching up to do, and since I like sexually themed comics in particular, Fakku was one of the first places I ended up. Already got a couple of books sitting on the shelf with more on the way hopefully soon. I particularly like hentai featuring large girls (like my avatar).

Have a nice day and see you around.
Hello and welcome! Glad to read that you are going to give this whole world a go.
Hope you have a lot of fun discovering new stuff!
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
hello and welcome
Welcome to the forum!
gammenon Story Junkie
Welcome!! Don't feel too bad about making false perceptions bc everybody has done it one time or another.
hello i just joined last month but i have been buying the book at anime convention when they had a small booth at famime (forgot the year) and i love the art style that they have the story and its just amazing and now here i am enjoying every bit of it ^-^
Greetings and welcome bro!