Yo! Hello everybody.
I've been looking at this website for some time now. The reason why I actually made an account was that people also rate videos rationally and communicate with each other in an adequate way as well as the missing of some 12 year old babies writing nonsense and strange flame posts.... . I'm not used to talk english as it's not my first language so I'm already sorry for possible mistakes :D.
Nice to meet you!
Hello Skeeks, welcome to the Fakku community.
I quote Melan-chans statement because i didnt understand it quite either, but thats not stopping me from welcoming you :)
I wanted to appreciate the fact that (as far as i could see) people talk about ecchi/hentai (and such things) like it's nothing special and therefore have normal conversations without posts like "OMG! FUCKING NAILED BITCH!" and so on .....
Did it help you or am i still unable to make my point of view clear? :P