Ouuu that's totally super cool!!
No no, it's fine, I mean I do love some fighting games, I enjoy them, but I'm one of those people who because I don't play them often and aren't an avid player, I don't like labeling myself as "knowing" about fighting games as a genre, ya know.
Tsujoi wrote...
Nice piercings if that's you. If not, nvm then.
Enjoy reading doujins and the forums.
They thanks, it totally is me ^^.. although know I feel odd because everyone else has animated avatars, and mines a legit pic of me :P haha. I like letting people know who they're talking to I guess. (No offence at all to anyone who is using an animated avatar, I think it's cute ^^ shows personality as well)
Also I'm enjoy the forums and the site very much :3