[Locked] Hope I'm not the only girl here. xD

ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

...*slow clap* woooot..
Ziggy u get a medal for that. unfortunatly im all out so ull have to settle for my respect.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

Haha, oops. Female over reacting. *sweat* Welp. I fucked that one up.
Sorry von. Deepest apologies.

itz kool u kno i luv u zig *holds out arms 4 hug*
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
No no, :( No medal this time. I fucked it up.
Again, I apologize von. *hugs*
Waar FAKKU Moderator
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

You do realize he was talking to MNX, and what he said really wasn't all that offensive. Maybe you're the one who needs to take a "break". Not sure my being unimpressed with a new member without cause to be impressed is really that important; if you simply did not like the way I worded it then you can go elsewhere and simply not read my posts. I'm not making this gender specific; i'm not impressed by new members regardless of gender; it just seems no one else is.

I will give her props for opening herself up to a forums of complete random people...

You on the other hand seem to want to lead the charge for womans rights when nothing has been said that would not have been said to a new male member of our forum. If you truly want equality then maybe you should calm down and see when you're already getting it.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
No no, :( No medal this time. I fucked it up.
Again, I apologize von. *hugs*

I wasnt giving you the medal for what u did to von. von was actually kinda funny.
Waar wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

You do realize he was talking to MNX, and what he said really wasn't all that offensive. Maybe you're the one who needs to take a "break". Not sure my being unimpressed with a new member without cause to be impressed is really that important; if you simply did not like the way I worded it then you can go elsewhere and simply not read my posts. I'm not making this gender specific; i'm not impressed by new members regardless of gender; it just seems no one else is.

I will give her props for opening herself up to a forums of complete random people...

You on the other hand seem to want to lead the charge for womans rights when nothing has been said that would not have been said to a new male member of our forum. If you truly want equality then maybe you should calm down and see when you're already getting it.

Just for the sake of not wanting everyone to be pissed beyond all reason, why dont wea ll just frop it right here?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Waar wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

You do realize he was talking to MNX, and what he said really wasn't all that offensive. Maybe you're the one who needs to take a "break". Not sure my being unimpressed with a new member without cause to be impressed is really that important; if you simply did not like the way I worded it then you can go elsewhere and simply not read my posts. I'm not making this gender specific; i'm not impressed by new members regardless of gender; it just seems no one else is.

I will give her props for opening herself up to a forums of complete random people...

You on the other hand seem to want to lead the charge for womans rights when nothing has been said that would not have been said to a new male member of our forum. If you truly want equality then maybe you should calm down and see when you're already getting it.

You're a little late. I saw what happened, apologized for it several times. I was pissed how people were taking shits in this thread when it was supposed to be a welcome thread. Now that I took a shit too, yea I need to step back. The only thing I can do is tell von I'm sorry over and over, but he seemed to be cool with it, thank you by the way von, and now I have to move on with it and accept what I did.

It's 4am, I got pissed, I apologized for it, anything else you want me to do before I leave?
oh I get the feeling I havn't heard the last from Waar. I've apparently "earned his animosity". Unless he finally decided to ignore me rather than talk shit, which suits me fine.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
No no, :( No medal this time. I fucked it up.
Again, I apologize von. *hugs*

i thot u went 2 bed
i know it's partly my fault,and i contribute to the spamming,but we should stop spamming....
i don't want this to get more and more out of control.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
omnicide wrote...
oh I get the feeling I havn't heard the last from Waar. I've apparently "earned his animosity". Unless he finally decided to ignore me rather than talk shit, which suits me fine.

did you even post something about me in this thread? I had no noticed...
omnicide wrote...
oh I get the feeling I havn't heard the last from Waar. I've apparently "earned his animosity". Unless he finally decided to ignore me rather than talk shit, which suits me fine.

Yea i saw that. you should tell him to politely go fuck himself.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Waar wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

You do realize he was talking to MNX, and what he said really wasn't all that offensive. Maybe you're the one who needs to take a "break". Not sure my being unimpressed with a new member without cause to be impressed is really that important; if you simply did not like the way I worded it then you can go elsewhere and simply not read my posts. I'm not making this gender specific; i'm not impressed by new members regardless of gender; it just seems no one else is.

I will give her props for opening herself up to a forums of complete random people...

You on the other hand seem to want to lead the charge for womans rights when nothing has been said that would not have been said to a new male member of our forum. If you truly want equality then maybe you should calm down and see when you're already getting it.

You're a little late. I saw what happened, apologized for it several times. I was pissed how people were taking shits in this thread when it was supposed to be a welcome thread. Now that I took a shit too, yea I need to step back. The only thing I can do is tell von I'm sorry over and over, but he seemed to be cool with it, thank you by the way von, and now I have to move on with it and accept what I did.

It's 4am, I got pissed, I apologized for it, anything else you want me to do before I leave?

You know....you should probably also apologize to Waar too. All he really did was make a crack at the guys for doing something that honestly they do. Even I do it. I rarely say hello to new guys anymore. His point about not judging people (in favor or against them) because of what gender they are is something you should be in favor of. Also...can we stop spamming the meet and greet section? I've been stuck in this one section for like 20 minutes.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Nah, I'm like a child, I don't like falling asleep while stuff is going on. I wonder what I'm missing then. Besides, now that I got everything out, and then sucked back in real quick I feel better. Talk about eating my own words. :oops:

Waar, I apologize for overreacting the way I did. It wasn't fair to you. I'll admit I reacted a bit feministly which doesn't belong here or anywhere really. I promise I'm not really like that, but I guess you'll see that over time. I don't expect you to be cool with me right now, or really later, that choice is only up to you - but I promise in future/later threads I won't respond biasedly to cause trouble.

Hopefully later a mod will delete all the arguing, like they did in my Toys thread, so Pasithea doesn't get to see us in our bad shades of colors, at least right away.
Waar wrote...
omnicide wrote...
oh I get the feeling I havn't heard the last from Waar. I've apparently "earned his animosity". Unless he finally decided to ignore me rather than talk shit, which suits me fine.

did you even post something about me in this thread? I had no noticed...

Nope. responding to another post.
Ramsus wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Waar wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

You do realize he was talking to MNX, and what he said really wasn't all that offensive. Maybe you're the one who needs to take a "break". Not sure my being unimpressed with a new member without cause to be impressed is really that important; if you simply did not like the way I worded it then you can go elsewhere and simply not read my posts. I'm not making this gender specific; i'm not impressed by new members regardless of gender; it just seems no one else is.

I will give her props for opening herself up to a forums of complete random people...

You on the other hand seem to want to lead the charge for womans rights when nothing has been said that would not have been said to a new male member of our forum. If you truly want equality then maybe you should calm down and see when you're already getting it.

You're a little late. I saw what happened, apologized for it several times. I was pissed how people were taking shits in this thread when it was supposed to be a welcome thread. Now that I took a shit too, yea I need to step back. The only thing I can do is tell von I'm sorry over and over, but he seemed to be cool with it, thank you by the way von, and now I have to move on with it and accept what I did.

It's 4am, I got pissed, I apologized for it, anything else you want me to do before I leave?

You know....you should probably also apologize to Waar too. All he really did was make a crack at the guys for doing something that honestly they do. Even I do it. I rarely say hello to new guys anymore. His point about not judging people (in favor or against them) because of what gender they are is something you should be in favor of. Also...can we stop spamming the meet and greet section? I've been stuck in this one section for like 20 minutes.

...Why does it sound better when you say it then when i do?
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Nah, I'm like a child, I don't like falling asleep while stuff is going on. I wonder what I'm missing then. Besides, now that I got everything out, and then sucked back in real quick I feel better. Talk about eating my own words. :oops:

plz dnt go off on me again but yo emoticon reminded me of when u told us bout you-know-what-you-broke
IsTehErreip wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Waar wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
mnx wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
However this is a introduction page. Hell even I didn't get talked to like that when I first posted. I think everyone needs to fap for a little sigh in satisfaction and come back later when testosterone levels are down.

If I was her I wouldn't feel welcomed at all right now.
Everywhere from people telling her she needs to lose weight to I'm not impressed yo, better prove me wrong. I don't care if you got a hole between your legs.

At least think before you speak.

is that directed at me,zig?
i thought you aren't mad at me anymore?
i even promised you my pic....

dnt no body wanna c yo ugly mug

You know what, you have a lot of nerve ask for your rep to be highered.
Waar declares with his big iron fist that this girl better have something to contribute to a fucking porno forum when she hasn't even been here for a full fucking 24 hours, while you sit in your chair and type up mangled english letters as if you've had no education and then Pasithea is the one talked down on?

Waar take your male ego elsewhere or do something productive with it.
Mnx already heard it from me - he's got the eye for eye deal going on.
Von just keep your mouth shut, especially if it's purpose is to do nothing but instigate an issue further.

You do realize he was talking to MNX, and what he said really wasn't all that offensive. Maybe you're the one who needs to take a "break". Not sure my being unimpressed with a new member without cause to be impressed is really that important; if you simply did not like the way I worded it then you can go elsewhere and simply not read my posts. I'm not making this gender specific; i'm not impressed by new members regardless of gender; it just seems no one else is.

I will give her props for opening herself up to a forums of complete random people...

You on the other hand seem to want to lead the charge for womans rights when nothing has been said that would not have been said to a new male member of our forum. If you truly want equality then maybe you should calm down and see when you're already getting it.

You're a little late. I saw what happened, apologized for it several times. I was pissed how people were taking shits in this thread when it was supposed to be a welcome thread. Now that I took a shit too, yea I need to step back. The only thing I can do is tell von I'm sorry over and over, but he seemed to be cool with it, thank you by the way von, and now I have to move on with it and accept what I did.

It's 4am, I got pissed, I apologized for it, anything else you want me to do before I leave?

You know....you should probably also apologize to Waar too. All he really did was make a crack at the guys for doing something that honestly they do. Even I do it. I rarely say hello to new guys anymore. His point about not judging people (in favor or against them) because of what gender they are is something you should be in favor of. Also...can we stop spamming the meet and greet section? I've been stuck in this one section for like 20 minutes.

...Why does it sound better when you say it then when i do?

I....don't know. I did notice you said it though and also that I thought people were probably not gonna notice or get what you said.
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Nah, I'm like a child, I don't like falling asleep while stuff is going on. I wonder what I'm missing then. Besides, now that I got everything out, and then sucked back in real quick I feel better. Talk about eating my own words. :oops:

plz dnt go off on me again but yo emoticon reminded me of when u told us bout you-know-what-you-broke

lmao i forgot about that. i think shes kinda irratated about us talking about it.
IsTehErreip wrote...
Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Nah, I'm like a child, I don't like falling asleep while stuff is going on. I wonder what I'm missing then. Besides, now that I got everything out, and then sucked back in real quick I feel better. Talk about eating my own words. :oops:

plz dnt go off on me again but yo emoticon reminded me of when u told us bout you-know-what-you-broke

lmao i forgot about that. i think shes kinda irratated about us talking about it.

yeah i kno thats y im trying 2 b dicreet about it. now shhhhhhhhh b4 she c wut i wrote & getz pissd off.
Monster Girl
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