I confess...

I have heard and did (frequently) visit Fakku when I was 16, even while knowing it was against the law for underage adults to do so, and that was why I never registered then. Though I'm pretty sure there are a LOT lot more people who did and are still currently committing the same infringement as I have. Though I forgot how I ended up discovering Fakku,I witnessed how it grew and change, to what it is now. With diligent moderators and admins, and a friendly ever-growing community, the only way Fakku can go is up and beyond. Also, I do want to say Kudos to all of the hard work that the Translator/Fan-Sub teams do, not too many people say thanks, but the effort is greatly appreciated, especially knowing that the team works hard on their own time with only the satisfaction of the community driving them. Once again, salutations and keep up the amazing standards!

Tadaima... :)
Well... at least your honest.
Welcome to Fakku Chaoz9
i'm a newbie too. guess we can make a friend :wink:
Lol friends are nice to have indeed :). I kinda wonder if anyone can still get in trouble for confessing to do something illegal back then, but isn't illegal for them to do so now (I rather not be the guinea pig though)? I also heard 'honesty is the best policy', though I really can't believe that much anymore.
Monster Girl
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