Maholix wrote...
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I will certainly have to check the chat section out.
I do plan on continuing to post in NB girutiya. While I may not have the stash you've got, I am finally beginning to recover enough images to be of use occasionally. So it will happen. At the rate I'm going though, I better figure out a filing system for my images. My HD is small and kinda faulty, so I have to back up a lot of my stuff online. So far I've just been making dump folders of whatever got saved to my computer.
But that prolly has to stop. My imagebam has 40+ pages to it when I use my image organizer rather than gallery mode, and even those galleries might as well just be dividers for all the good they do me. ^^; Problem with a dump folder is you only know the nature of the images, not what is in it specifically. So I have a lot of doubles and various assorted NB images with no real theme.
Still trying to decide on what system I want to use.. I mean, do I name it after the artist? What if it's unknown from the source I got it? (I don't wanna become a wallflower in the request thread. lol) And besides, an artist's name says little about the image context. So that's out.. but then how do I go from there? Such images tend to fit many categories, and I don't want to make doubles for each one as it fits each preset folder, or else I'll have 6 folders with similar images and no time to actually post.
So I'm still trying to figure it out. @_@
I mean, I used to have a very large collection, but in those days I never really shared it, so I didn't matter if I could actually find it on short notice. Now it does. I'll post stuff even if I can't figure it out, just trying to make it easier to do so.
Too long again...Boring