Kitsune_no_Suki wrote...
Of course! I watch quite a lot of anime, for if I only watched hentai, I couldn't consider myself an Otaku. :)
Usually I watch romantic comedies, magic girl anime, a tiny bit of mecha, and supernatural themed anime. I'm fairly picky though, especially with fan-service. I believe there is an art to fan-service. One must balance the cheesy, goofy side with the fun, but still a bit serious side. Perhaps I read a bit too much into the matter. :)
I watch quite a bit of anime myself.
I too watch romantic comedies especially Ecchi. I also finished Madoka Magica, my favorite characters were Homura and Mami. I don't watch many Mechas. I'm getting a bit back into Gundam thanks to Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 but my favorite Mecha is Full Metal Panic!
I also believe in the art of fanservice as well.