I'm back...

Hopefully for a long while this time ^^; My computer had died a while back and i was stuck with sharing my father's laptop. I didn't get many chances to come around XD

However, last week i got my new computer(it's a beast i tell ya, BIOSHOCK at full ftw :P) and now that i have got things set up and ready to go i'm ready to start posting again. I've also got Photoshop back in business ;) so if i still owe anyone a sig please tell me.
Nice to meet you im fairly new to the forum but trying to get better aquainted with everyone :D ! I was wondering from you're post if it was possible you to make me a signature i've been trying to find a hilarious Rock Lee\Might Guy one but to no avail but if not thats cool just let me know!
:shock: whoa its KPT, the man who made my sigpic 8)

oh and congratz for that new beast of yours...sigh i'd like to get one myself but fate sure is cruel :cry:
gizmo wrote...
:shock: whoa its KPT, the man who made my sigpic 8)

oh and congratz for that new beast of yours...sigh i'd like to get one myself but fate sure is cruel :cry:

I'm working on getting myself a behemoth of a computer. Welcome back, KPT.
Welcome back KPT
towelie, thanks for the welcome. Once i know that i don't still owe a bunch of sigs to people, i'll get right on making it it

Gizmo: thanks for the welcome back. I was only able to get it because i spent my Alaska dividend on it XD i guess technically the state paid for it XP

lurking: Thanks for the welcome ^_^

Noutakun wrote...
I'm working on getting myself a behemoth of a computer. Welcome back, KPT.

Now i do know for a fact that i owe you a sig ^^; I don't have the info anymore since it was on the temp forums a while back, but if you still want it just send me a PM.
Oh, right. Technically, you don't owe me anything. But I would still like to get that signature. And, due to recent changes in my signature, it has been revised! Oh joy!
Thx alot and take ur time im in no hurry :D
About time you came back!
KPT wrote...
Gizmo: thanks for the welcome back. I was only able to get it because i spent my Alaska dividend on it XD i guess technically the state paid for it XP

:lol: so it is true that the united states pay you to live in alaska...no wonder Homer wants to live there :lol:
Alaska... ain't a fun place for me to live in, either way KPT Okailinasai
Jacob: ^^; i know. Though, i did find a bunch of old game CG's i saved a long time ago that i'm working on uploading. Got to make up for being inactive ;)

Skyler: Alaska isn't such a bad place. Sure, gets cold and dark at times, but other than that it's a nice place :P thanks for the welcome back.

gizmo wrote...
:lol: so it is true that the united states pay you to live in alaska...no wonder Homer wants to live there :lol:

Haha, that part of the movie really got a laugh here at the theaters XD
hey nice new avatar and sigpic 8)
This...Is...Da...BOMB!!!!! I rlly need to spend mor time checking the forums. I never really come in here at all, so i never knew what i wuz missing. (in truth, i am here mainly bcuz i want to take part in the contest, but i didn't think that i had enuff postz, so im seeing wut there iz to c :oops:)
Monster Girl
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