I'm new, what's up?


I've only recently started taking an interest in hentai, and have been looking for a good Web site and community on the topic. Someone from another site pointed me in this direction, so I decided to register and take a peek.

I'm into any and all sorts of hentai, never have been the sort of guy who is picky. I will no doubt have many silly questions and requests, but before all of that, can someone post a link or paste the forum rules so I know what is and isn't going to pwn me?

Nice to meet you, fellow perverts.
Hello, welcome to FAKKU, hope you enjoy your stay.
I am picky and have a silly request: Change your avatar to something that isn't a cat.
Ramsus wrote...
Hello, welcome to FAKKU, hope you enjoy your stay.
I am picky and have a silly request: Change your avatar to something that isn't a cat.

Sorry, but I quite like cats.

If it makes you feel better though; I'll probably get bored of it soon. ;)
Ze goggles, zey do nothing!

Yeah, welcome. Enjoy your stay. Got a favourite genre of hentai?
Welcome to Fakku Anubis and enjoy your stay

Anubis9962 wrote...
Sorry, But I quite like cats

Cats FTW. And your view on catgirls?
Hallo, welcome to FAKKU! I'm pretty new myself but I'm already having a blast, I hope you do too. The people here are great.

Someone already stole the goggles line before I could use it /cry
JJBA wrote...
Ze goggles, zey do nothing!

Yeah, welcome. Enjoy your stay. Got a favourite genre of hentai?

Not really. Like I said, I enjoy all types. The only thing I'm actually picky about is the quality of the image. It's rare for me to have an interest in those 'sketched' images for example, I like mine to be coloured, detailed etc.

Mattarat wrote...
Cats FTW. And your view on catgirls?

I think they're cool, as long as they don't bite.
Haha well I like your avatar, and welcome to FAKKU :D
what if he used a pic of the cat from flcl???
would that work???
I will welcome you to FAKKU with another cat in glasses...
Forum Image: http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z43/swalker410/OneCoolCat.jpg
Uh.....I wasn't actually trying to tell him he had to change his avatar. I just felt like saying more than "Hi, bye."
@Mattarat: Everyone loves catgirls. Unless of course I'm allergic to those too but that would be weird seeing as I can't imagine catgirls being that damn close genetically to cats....what with them being not many parts cat and all and kinda unlikely to be able to breed with cats. (Seriously if someone made catgirls and decided they should be able to breed with cats instead of humans....wtf.)
Nice to meet you all anyhow, it seems this place is asshole-free (metaphorically, at least). It seems I forgot to say anything about myself, so a few quick facts:

I'm British, I'm nineteen years old, my biggest hobby is videogames, I've been running an Xbox Live clan for the past 4 years and I also write for a couple of videogame Web sites. When I'm not gaming, I also enjoy anime and that's about it.
Anubis9962 wrote...
I'm British, I'm nineteen years old, my biggest hobby is videogames

- 1 year from that and that's me 0_0
Ramsus wrote...
Uh.....I wasn't actually trying to tell him he had to change his avatar. I just felt like saying more than "Hi, bye."

Oh I know Ramsus, no worries. I <3 you and your awesome SZS avatar.
You <3 me? Don't you know that that ring does nothing except hold veto power over captain planet? I mean unless you were trying to make me not kick a puppy or something bizarre like that. (Huzzah for SZS!) Wait if Jacob has the heart one....then that means that other fakku admins and such have the others...and what the hell is fakku gonna do with captain planet? I'm now very worried.
Monster Girl
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