My name is Majshon. I've been carousing this site for at least a few months so I'm not really new or you could say that new car smell is gone. But I'm new to most of you. Below is a list of my likes.
1. Ninjas
2. Rockets
3. Explosions
4. Deception
5. Decepticons
6. Chuck Norris
7. Anime
8. Ice cream
9. Video Games
10. Awesomeness
11. Manga
12. The Interweb
13. Monkies
14. Randomness
15. Autumn
16. Those weird tiny tornados that form sometimes with just a few leaves in them
17. You guys
Thats pretty much all I could come up with. For those without good mental dictionaries Carousing in this instance means enjoying the crap out of.