Hey I just joined the forums I plan to enjoy my stay and contribute every week, I would have joined a long time ago but never knew this site was even around!
I have a few problems I need someone who can navigate japanese sites and email Manga artists or post on their blogs ect.
I am starting a big manga project but need a japanese typing partner, if anyone is interested please let me know, If they require me to pay them in some form I am willing to do so.
It should not take much work I only need to contact 5-6 artists. The problem is finding their contact info hence the reason why I need someone who is japanese or has japanese computer skills. I assume its not even that hard to contact most of the artists I just do not understand japanese and do not know hot to navigate in japanese even with translator, due to crappy translations or kanji ect.
If your interested please let me know, I need to contact Mogudan as a start and 3 more artists.
hey thanks everyone, I know i should not be requesting things like this when I just joined.
I just want to get some help, and its also going to benifit the person who helps because they get the chance to have some hentai made in their request.