Hello all! I'm a 23 year old guy currently in college striving towards a Bachelor's in CS. My hobbies, like most of you I'm sure, include video games, anime, movies, and of course jerking off. I'm really into sakuga and following my favorite animators' and directors' works. My favorite director is probably Tatsuya Oishi who directed Bakemonogatari and Kizumonogatari. I'm also a huge fan of western directors like Kubrick, Scorsese, Malick, PT Anderson, etc. I think I joined here around the time they partnered with Wani and started selling the physical uncensored English releases, though I've never been very active here on the forums. My favorite genres of hentai would probably be NTR, crossdressing, and genderbend. Most likely because of my somewhat low self esteem and inability to get a girlfriend. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Looking forward to reading replies! Hopefully I strike a chord with some of you and we can be friends. Also I want that free book haha.