Hello everyone! Although my introduction is about 56 or so posts late (from the time this topic was posted), I shall introduce myself anyways.
So, I'm Ophaq (Oh fak). Ophaq is a name that I use as a default name on websites. The name originates from Alphaq which originates from Alpha Q (say it and you'll know) which is an inside joke between my real life friends and I (was an inside joke). When I tried using Alpha Q and/or Alphaq as a username on a site one day, and both of the usernames were taken, I change the A to an O because I thought it sounded better. And so, here I am.
Just like many of you on this site, I watch anime, read manga, watch hentai, and of course, read doujin. So far I have watched around 140+ anime series, many of which are ecchi, romance, harem + other genre.
If you want to watch anime, and don't know what to watch, consider taking a look at my anime list! I don't add anime to the list I don't like.
Anime List
Aspirations/Dreams: Someday I'd like to live/visit Japan and know how to speak well in Japanese. Can't think of too many big aspirations/dreams at the moment other than the one listed before this sentence.
Hobbies: Reading manga, watching anime, daydreaming/complex thinking, playing MMORPGs/flash games, and reading books that interest me (whether they be about Japan, are Sci-Fi, etc).
Interests: Medical science, big breasted women (mainly in anime/hentai/doujin though) video game making, playing MMORPGs/flash games, anime, manga, ecchi stuff, women, Japan, lolis (in anime/hentai/doujin), internet memes, hanging out with friends, Vocaloids, eroge, Japanese music, smooth jazz, rock/heavy/metal, techno, relaxing music, instrumental, certain anime intro and ending songs, and more.
So yeah, many of the things I'm interested in are considered "nerdy" by today's society (or at least where I live). Since I know many people share the same interests as I do, someone calling one of my interests "nerdy", "different", etc doesn't bother me.
Thanks for reading (sorry for the long introduction)!
P.S. (Don't ask about the picture above. I just had to put that there) XD
EDIT: Oh yeah! I've played a couple eroges too. Although I'm not a major eroge player, I did a bit of Shuffle and fully finished Swan Song. Let me tell you, Swan Song is amazing. O_o