'Lo thar!

Hey. Basically, I've been around here for a year or so. I've never joined the forums because, well, there was just so much else to do!

However, recently I've noticed that FAKKU! is one of the few places online with a translation team. This is simply amazing to me, and maybe, if I play may cards right, I can finally find someone to translate an in-particular manga! Something that for some reason, started being translated back in 2004 (the manga came out in '02).

Hope I can contribute in some way to pay for it. I could potentially backup the servers on my 5 terabyte external harddrive... but well just have to see.
Hello fellow thar person! The forums are pretty cool, lots of different types of people with unique ideas. I kinda doubt they would just let you backup their servers because logistically, it would probably shut the site down for half a day and depending on your connection, unless you had a really expensive line would probably take like a week to upload it back.
Welcome to Fakku rasins
warm welcome from me :D
welcome to FAKKU, rasins!
*strikes a pose* Welcome to the world of FAKKU *stops posing* heres your welcome basket feel free to fill it with all your hentai needs
Well, yoroshiku, and welcome to the FAKKU forums. Have fun browsing, posting, and fapping.
Monster Girl
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