Lovers & lolicons, i bid you greetings.

Just registered myself yesterday & had some time to make this post now.

Would like to say hi to all the hentai-fans & the like to FAKKU.

Read some hentai a long time ago, when i just turned 18. Bought 4 comics made by Benkyo Tamaoki (out of curiosity & to celebrate the fact that i've AGED to legally get what some people like to declare "immoral" and should be considered "illegal". to those who say that, should read about laws that grant people "free speech"...XD), during the days when Eros Comix were still in business....

My only regret is that i tore them up and trashed them for good, out of fears that someone might discover them.. well, so much for secrets. XD.

anyways, nice to talk to y'all...
Welcome to fakku! Just make sure you password protect the stuff you download and you won't have to live in fear of people finding it :D !
Monster Girl
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