Me say "YO" to you

First thing, I'm a french canadian, so my english kinda sucks.
It makes sometimes that I visit Fakku, but I didn't subscribe because... I had no motive to do it. But the MoteMote Battle is almost there and I must vote for Asuka. I could not accept that she loses to some newcomers!!!

My favorite hentai artists are Shiwasu no Okina, Onizuka Naoshi and Gumma.

PS: My fav-thing looks stupid to the end, but you cannot have a presentation of yourself if you dont have a fav-thing in.
Well welcome to eventually joining the forums. Good luck to Asuka, although I still haven't really figured who I'd be going for.
AH Canada represent! Welcome to the forum!
Welcome to FAKKU

and I love your avatar :D
Asuka. :3 She's cool and all, but I don't think I even wanna try and pick anyone in this contest. They are all so... good. T_T Whatever. I'll just use the random number generator on my calculator.

Anyway, welcome to FAKKU's forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and continue to be active well after the contest!
Monster Girl
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