Meeting the peeps

Hi, I'm 23/m, I'm a programmer/graphic artist enthusiast. Currently working on my dream video game engine because nobody else seems to be making the game I want. I've been visiting Fakku for a long time but I'm normally not a big forum person. The delay between posts has usually turned me away but this community moves nicely and has a better atmosphere than most so I thought I'd finally join in this fray.

I'm a big anime fan. I've been working my hardest over the past nine years to build up one of my dreams, a wall of anime. Yes, an entire wall filled top to bottom. For goal sake, let's say it's a 10x15 wall, though I'd prefer 8x30, it's more impressive. I'm not doing too bad, as every time I buy a rack to put the new stuff on it overflows. It's a nice feeling to walk around the house and see it just oozing out from every nook an cranny it can fit it.

I like hentai in video but don't love it due to the quality average being rather low on animation. Remember, I only mean as an overall, there are good titles. Though regardless of animation quality it usually does have a better quota of storyline. Which is more than can be said for a good portion of anime. The same could be said of it's incarnation in print but there is more of it and great sites like this cull most of the flak off leaving the sweet cream with little hassle. For some reason the hentai community just has better taste and only puts effort into quality work... well at least in the last five years. It just feels like content has become better.

I'm also a gamer turned critic because getting games for free is sweet. that... and E3. Been a dream of mine to go since around '97~'99. Luck fixed that this year. Now my eyes shine towards the Tokyo Gameshow. Ah, an excuse to go meet the family and have fun on the side.

I frequent cons as well, looking forward to AUSA in Oct and anything else that comes along. For years I've only gone to a select few, aiming to change that in the near future. Going from a decent two and trying to bump up to eight.

I hope that I will become more involved with the Fakku community though I don't know how I can contribute anything.

For those of you who did read through that, sorry, I don't mean to be lengthy it just happens.
that has to be the longest intro on fakku ever feel proud

what's up homeslice[size=8] [/h]I need new material
You sound like a very interesting person and I'm glad you decided to join the community.

Welcome to FAKKU :D
im interested in this game engine you speak of....


animeholic1 wrote...
that has to be the longest intro on fakku ever feel proud


Welcome to Fakku, and enjoy your stay. :D
Hey Hey!!!

Thats like me...... except for the whole game engine, and wall full of anime......

So you frequented this site before joining as well?

I just joined too... and I'm into art as well..... I dont draw as good as I wish I could, but still...... meh...

So.... It feels weird since I'm relatively new here, but still....

Zak wrote...
Hey Hey!!!

Thats like me...... except for the whole game engine, and wall full of anime......

So you frequented this site before joining as well?

I just joined too... and I'm into art as well..... I dont draw as good as I wish I could, but still...... meh...

So.... It feels weird since I'm relatively new here, but still....


Don't worry about it Zak.

@Obviouspam: What's up. Enjoy.
Welcome to Fakku obviouspam
Thanks for the warm welcome.

To attempt to make it simple, there isn't a game out there that makes time travel much more than a interesting gimmick, or a extremely linear event/choice time line. Which is wonderful but it's not really time manipulation it's just a branched version of linear story lines. I want to have TIME travel, not 5-30 second interaction with objects and cause effect lines. I want full universal interaction across time lines. I want my BttF car, I want my H.G. Wells Time Machine, I want my quanta singularity system, a magic portal. I want to screw with time, all of it.

Though not an Earth timeline, I'm not a history buff and history degrades and is limited in scope no matter how learned you are. No, I want to screw with my own created universe.

I know that given the "broad" statements that my idea may follow the same trail but I like to think if I'm not avoiding that I'm expanding on it.
As for the game engine, the core is being built to allow for time travel and manipulation. The theory behind it allows for, to my current knowledge, application of a great many(all that I am aware of) systems of time. The central goal of the said system allows for each theory on how time works to coexist merely by changing the "scope" of how you prefer to view time. The magic being that there are no paradoxes as there is a central viewpoint on a universal scale that all time interactions are measured by.

Now I know that invalidates and nulls the core precepts and assumptions of how time works of the theories but that's not what I'm after. It's the method of how time methods allow you to predict what will happen given an assumed cause or effect. As if you create an end effect in the future it will propagate backwards in the past and vice versa. So information in the game universe is translated forward and backward.

And that probably doesn't make any sense what I've just said, I'm not good with terminology. And I also know that given my concepts in the builds I have the ability to make my levels of interaction with the game universe may be limited. But it will be more than what anyone has given.

That is the central concept of why I wanted to make my game. Now there's a slew of horribly complex things I want to implement as well but unless you ask I won't get into them because I can literally rant hours on each of them. Due to the problem that I have not nailed down constants or implementation for the details on each section and most of the ideas are in the "wishful want" rather than "restricted result." That doesn't mean I haven't gotten very detailed, it's just not hard coded and with a spreadsheet and documentation on how the interactions work out in full.

Which leads to the problem that the engine as is adds up to a minimal 2D graphics engine, and input engine, and a few sprite data management classes. No real gameplay logic or engine has been implimented. But until the graphic engine is completed along with a few tools, I won't have enough to see if the visualized gameplay is worth continuing.
I wish my posts weren't that long. What's worst is I'm trying to keep it short.
Dude, that's just awesome. Sounds to me like you came from a very unique background and you will have lots of ideas and wisdom to share with the community. Don't be afraid to jump in some of the topics in Serious Discussion, I'd like to hear your opinions on some of the threads there.
I am sorry I don't mean to be rude but I didn't read any of your posts, but hey hello anyway.
Oha-Lucky! Welcome Obviouspam and may you enjoy your stay here cho!

I like how your posts and username contradicts each other, unless I am interpreting the latter wrongly. However, I am definitely not encouraging anyone to start spamming. :)

Welcome to FAKKU! Make yourself Active and Supportive as possible!

As for the wall of anime... go tiger! Post a pic of it when you're done^^
I acctually did read through all that. Both of those in fact. Cool game idea, I'd say. And one day I must steal your secret ninja art of game reviewing for free games. Anywho! As a newbie here, I say to you, Hello and welcome! And keep posting long. Least it's interesting.
Actually the problem isn't getting into reviewing games, it's finding people who after getting the games will review them in around two weeks.
obviouspam wrote...
Actually the problem isn't getting into reviewing games, it's finding people who after getting the games will review them in around two weeks.

And I imagine finding those who could write a review that consists of more then, "This one sucks." or "Dood, ya gotta play this one! Halo killer!"
Erk, sudden urge to rant about movie reviewers just shivered up my spine. Wrong subject, wrong subject.
Monster Girl
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