Newbie coming through!

Hello, I'm new to this website, even though I have been lurking for a little while... I was introduced to this website through another... a bit more frivolous website, but nevermind that!

I hope I'll have a good time here at FAKKU and make lots of new online friends so that I won't be alone all my life. Ahahah... heh. Right.

I'm off exploring now! Please welcome me into your world!
What the hell, I just saw this amv of Princess Tutu and put my balls a drawer and started downloading the series. And now you come with your avatar and signature... I guess I really have no choice but to watch it.

and welcome to FAKKU :D
Welcome to the forum from a fellow Newbie, I also just registered here.

And Jacob, if it is allowed for me to speak up I can only recommend you really watch it. Princess Tutu is old, but great. An overlooked gem and one of my alltime favorites.
It is a fairy tale, but one told so well and in such a great form with so complex characters, that I can recommend it to anyone that doesn't suffer from ADD and has an IQ with three digits.
Eishu wrote...
I can recommend it to anyone that doesn't suffer from ADD and has an IQ with three digits.

Sounds like my kind of anime.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Fakkers!
Well i'll take u up on the offer Eishu and give the anime a try and to Castitas Lilium as well welcome
Monster Girl
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