Hello to everyone here at fakku,
my name is Iam1vs100xp, call me Iam, remember my name bitches cuz i'm an
Internet tough guy. I just joined fakku over 9000 hours ago although i've been here last thursday. I'm interested in mostly VN dead/bad ends. i like a good
BLOODY romance
every now and thenalways ^_^. i'm really into music(lies), i like most genres like SFX, BGMUSIC and
HEAVY FUCKING METAL. my favorite anime is Fushigi yuugi, yes the
FUCKING FUSHIGI YUUGI. and my favorite manga has got to be Rozen Maiden (PROJECT CANCELLED, 4 EVAR!!!) favorite manga on this site is probably Calvin and Hobbes followed by Disney Adventures in second. I like any food as long as it's imaginary and not on a golden trash can.
p.s. i fukken saved and scanned jacob's beard!! :D