GhostInTheMachine wrote...
Guten tag Nekohime!
Hope you enjoy your stay, what kind of cosplay do you do? If I had more resources I'd give it a shot, especially since I want to go to Anime Expo 2011! You do well with the lol speak, I remember when my friend showed me lolcats... damn him... Anyway, hope to see you around!
Oooh, if you're going to AX2011 you'll see me there! Dunno what I'll cosplay as for each day yet though. Probably Kumashiro Maya on one day, since her costume is super easy and teh bf says I kinda look like a tan version of her.
Um, what cosplay do I do? Generally, dark-skinned or tan anime girls, like Yoruichi, Rakshata Chawla, Villetta Nu, etc. Actually, I was cosplaying Rakshata this past AX, lol. I'd love to cross-play, but my face is too girly, apparently. I just can't look like a guy, even a girly-looking anime guy! Le sigh. Maybe I just need more practice in makeup to make my features less girly. I'm not very good at sewing, so I don't do elaborate costumes, but I'm very good at finding normal clothes that can be refitted and re-purposed for cosplay.
Nice to see you guys around the forums. :D