Why hello there. To be honest I've actually been on this site for a number of years, but I have been lead to believe that if I don't make myself known on the forums then it doesn't count. So, here I am at last reaching out to you - the Fakku community, in high hopes of making myself known to the world. I guess I should now continue on with the traditional introduction.
I enjoy reading, writing, being productive, [size=4]hentai[/h] etc... I'm actually really interested in getting to know as many of you as I can, because of what I've seen so far I'd like to believe that this could possibly be the most amazing community I have yet to see. Alrighty then! Add me to friends if you want, feel free to send me a message... Also, I have an Xbox360, PM me if you want my gamertag.
When I saw the thread title I thought you were talking about the game Osu, but that's obviously not the case. xD
Nice to see yet, another lurker come out to the surface and join the community. You can get to know a bunch or people just by visiting the Chat and Forum Games section and having conversations with the people who frequent there. Who knows, maybe you might frequent there as well! =]
Welcome to Fakku! I hope your time here goes great!