Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


hello everyone. so an introduction, just call me Andy, -san or kun, at your own will. basics facts about me: i am Norwegian, otaku, likes to run, exercise, Anime and manga, gaming and drawing. currently s…
Finally showing up Yo! at last i finally get to create an account here. I've known this site for like 4 years but never have the chance to create an account. An…
Hello Fakku! Alright so I'm new to the forums here but I have been a lurker for a few years. Never really had the time for forum life but I have recently gotten some time on my hands. Anyway I'm a 23 year old male…
Another Newbie Hello! I`ve been on the site before but just now decided to make an account. Nice to meet you! You can call me Michu. Let`s see, uh.. am I supposed to say something ab…
[ Poll ] hello errbody im mikey, and im a long time lurker here at fakku! i decided its time to get involved with the community so hello!!
Hai! Hey everybody! I made an account a little while ago, a few months ago, and didn't introduce myself. I have not really divulged much in…
New to the Forum Part of Fakku I'm usually on quite often to watch hentai or to read doujin . Mainly because I have an insatiable…
Hi everyone... "Ladies, I'm Steve Stifler and I have an 11-inch Penis. AROUND!" LOL! that's no really true... I'm just really like this Quotes. It's from American Pie 2. Hello for Everyone! …
Come all ye and greet the noob. Lol. Genital. Nice to meet you anyway.
The Capturing God I am The Capturing God, God of Conquest. There isn't a girl that I can not conquer. I would say it's nice to meet you all, but there is nothing nice about reality.
I never post. But when I do, I make an account first. Hello to all you beautiful people.
Hello everyone Hello everyone I thought i might as well introduce myself. My favorite hentai genres are Vanilla, Pentako, Futa, Trap, Tsundere, and Yandere. Least favorite are Neotare (NTR) and Forced.
Greetings :D Greetings my fellow (future)peers, I'll just do a brief introduction of my self, as I am a new member here. :D AGE: 19 SEX: MALE RELATIONSHIP: SINGLE(don't th…
Hello Every 1 Hi everyone, You can call me Icebox. I have been using Fakku for a little over a year now and i just decided to register on the site. i usually like to keep my fapping and personal life se…
Hey everybody! :D My name is DelinquentJ but DJ is fine too lol. I found Fakku about a year ago, but have only been reading through the forum…
Hello Everybody! Helloooooo!!!!! Everybody!!! I'm Mih-chan <3 Nice to meet you guys! >-<"" I'm just a super ultra mega girl-like trap -what ^o^ (and one day I'll become a really hot and beautiful transex hous…
I am Aulor... I am friend said I should join these forums...
Never imagined I never thought I'd actually join a community like this, but it seems pretty active, cool and fun. Username is Itadaki, meanings can vary from Top, Winning with ease, to Windfall. I'm into…
Helllooooo all!!!!!!!!! I've been lurking on here for years now, and have finally decided to come out of the closet! Wait... no... Out of the shadows? ... Yea... That sounds better. MOVING ON!!!!! I made an account to respon…
lurk lurk lurk I've lurked here for a fair while and i thought it probably time i get an account, Gotta say I'm not great at intros, so here goes listing my intrests! Male 21 interests inclu…