Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


"Why not let it fly?..." I should probably stop lurking in the IB forum now... so hi. Made this account about a month ago to do...what was it... uh... I forgot. Now it's mostly keeping my favorite h-manga list in the cl…
Yo ;) Yo ;)I'm new obviously, Two things I wan't you guys to know. I believe futa club should be turned into an a video that would be so good! (Obviously I like futa) Second Call me Origin…
Hello Hello Greetings, stay awhile that's not right. Greetings from Canada! Just thought I'd officially stop lurking and say hello to everyone here.
If it didn’t have bones it wouldn’t be crunchy now would it. Your title grabbed my attention. I think you'll feel right at home here. It's a pleasure to meet you and welcome to FAKKU, CF. See ya around!
I guess I should stop lurking Hello all, I'm Jamie. I've lurked the site for about 3? years now, and I have to say I've been avoiding intro-ing myself for some reason. Pretty much my hobbies are reading, video games, a…
Here to say hello Will hello there guys my name is Samantha but you can call me Sam for short(: I just turned 18 about 2 weeks ago and I've been coming to this site for about a year now and I already love it. The douji…
Hi Everyone :) I'm New Hey everyone, my name is Sebastian, I live in Quebec province, Canada. I'm 18 years old and have been coming to this site for about 2 years now. I know, it's 18 years old minimum but, i'm sure i'm not…
I might as well I'm not exactly new, just moving to a new account due to being entirely too lazy to just swap the name on my old one. So hello..again. Robert at your service. Artist, Philosopher, Unfeeling Sociopath.…
Hey guys :3 Welcome to the forums and nice artwork, but what are your favorite fetishes?
Greetings from Holland Hello, how're you all doing? My name is thomas, and I'm dutch. Been coming here for a long time now, but since I became 18 last month, I thought that I should make an account, so here I am.…
Privyet, fellow Fakku people (?)! Hey guys/girls! Well, guess there really isn't a way to introduce myself without sounding awkward, so here we go. Sadly I'm the talkative type, so this will likely be longer than most of you would lik…
Iberix Yo, I'm Iberix, don't take me too serious. Walked the net until I found Fakku and I love it, why hide my secret hobby and told them to shove it. 19 coming up on twenty, but I've already h…
Hai. I am Eku, and my penguins are better than you. 'nuff said. the rest is too long, so don't read. Spoil…
Hi everyone. Don't know how to introduce myself so i'll just do it like this :). Name: James Location: Finland (so my English is not so good) Age: 18 (almost 19) Sex: Male Favo…
I like them young, My anime girls of course^_^ Anyone who likes lolicon an similar styles;) post back lets exchange collections and webstites
Newbie here!!! Im a newbie here at FAKKU! I hope to know more about this organization and be one of its active member... please help me get the best of this site!! >_
Making Myself Known... [size=12]Greetings one and all. I've been reading Manga and Hentai for longer than I can remember…
Hello Fakku (⌒_⌒;) Its a pleasure to be acquainted with you. I have mostly been stalking around but I decided to formally introduce myself. My name is Daniel, Usa and I hope to become apart of th…
Hey Guys Just another pervert that likes hentai just like the rest of you guys hope I fit in well :3