Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hey Fakku Members! Forgot to make one of these lol, so I have some posts. Not a big fan of introductions so feel free to ask me anything!
Long time no see It's been a long time but I've finally gotten my backside off lurking and applying for a new account. I think I recognise a few people that are on this forum from other places. Anyway, a b…
Mmmm Sup? Been visiting FAKKU for about 3 months and thought it was about time to sign up. I love all kinds of hentai, even futa and messed up stuff. I play games a lot. RPGs and Fighting…
Well hiya I'm obviously new here.
Pick this hello! Hello everyone! I'm here because I have recently become in touch with the nerd in me after suppressing it for many years. So basically now that I've rediscovered the joy of anime and manga, I've also…
deep derp dip dip my friend got fired from taco bell for fuckn all the costermers, oops.
Hi Im New :) ive been a lurker for a long time and recently i wanted to get active on fakku :3
Nice to meet you all! Hey! My name's Luke, and I have been visiting Fakku regularly for at least 4 years but had neglected to make an account until now. I suppose it was the outstanding quality of the "Hentai Worth Watchin…
Howdy! Helllloo. New here-- long-time fan of the art! Also a huge manga fan. Looking to branch out a bit and discover!
Hi there ^^' Just thought I should say hi here. ^^' Decided to join up after a long thought since the community is full of strange (but interesting) people.. T__T I've never really admitted in real life tha…
Nice to meet ya, Hey, everyone. I never thought of actually joining FAKKU!, but since I've read the forums, I think this is a good opportunity to meet other people who are into anime, manga, games and especially henta…
[ Poll ] im new and i like anime lol Hello my name is Zaku i love all kinds of anime been watching anime since middle school but now that I’m in my last year of high school i want to find other people that have the same interest in anime
Yoh! Thumbnail
Yoh! Hi, I'm Enrico, I'm a lover by choice, I love Anime and other stuff you can't possibly imagine. It's my first t…
Hello to the Fakku Universe Been visiting this site for months now and i finally figured, why the hell not, and made an account :) Thanks to the Fakku staff for making this site possible and allowing us to peruse its…
What's Been Happening Since I Left? Just got back from being awesome, so I was wondering what's new.
Greetings, I am NightLife Thumbnail
Greetings, I am NightLife Hello fellow FAKKU Members, Adminsistrators and Moderators, I am NightLife, although my real name is Joey I chose to use the username "NightLife" on FAKKU to get a change from my casual on…
Wild TheYellowDart Appears! Thumbnail
Wild TheYellowDart Appears! I guess I'm super late on this one. I've been with the site since October of last year, but have only now decided to come out of my shell and join the forums. My name is TheYellowDart AKA Jamick on so…
Hello my name is... I'm 20, from the USA, and in college. I love anime and decided to finally make an account here after lurking for quite some time.
Hi there. Well hello. I'm sort of new here. I've been coming here a while, but only recently got an account. seems like a nice place.
Hiya~Finally decided to Join Gotta say, Fakku is still one of my favorite ways to get hentai. Saw them past Kawaii Kon in Hawaii, and I was impressed. Classy acts all around y'all~ Love being the girl with the 'scary laptop-do…