Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Ellow! Hey guys, been visiting as a guest for a year or two now, but i decided to (finally) join the community. ;) My real name's Dan and it's nice to meet you all!
New to fakku Hi everyone, glad to find such a great site!!
Hi there ! Hi FAKKU members. I've been visiting the site for a little while now, so here I am as a member. My name's Jay but you can call me Hyde, and I live in Brussels, Belgium. I…
fakku please welcome me!!! i was a bit reluctant to join the community, but since hentai is awesome i just cant deny it! xD
Sup~! Hello there. I'm a boob lover so it your tits are massive, i'll be hunting you! Peace people and goodluck to me for being a newbie.
I'm Nick Rawrz, Nice to Meet You All. [size=12] I'm Nick Rawrz as the tittle says, was also born in the United Kingdom [/h] I also have a Steam account if anyone uses Steam in Fakku, User name will show up as [AA] Yuu A…
WHOA, an introduction. Righto. So my story is a typical lurker turned poster story, so that's boring and irrelevant. BUT I'LL TELL YOU ANYWAY. One day, I was doing a hentai raid on the internet like …
Im not so new... Hello people I"m not that new I've been visiting this site for a few years now and finnaly decided to hang with the community for a change.... …
Hello, FAKKU! This is my 1st time actually making an account (tried on 2 separate occasions and wussed out... -_-) Anyway, my favorites are (in no particular order) Yandere, Vanilla, Oppai, …
Hi every one... So glad to find this community Seriously this is simply amazing... For longest time I thought I was weird for liking this stuff.. But now i see I am one of many!!
Hey all! Hey everybody, I've been lurking on this site for around four years, and recently I finally decided to make an account. This site has such an awesome community, and I'm really excited to be a part of …
Hello *bows* Haven't joined a forum in a while. They scare me sometimes. Love this site<3 (^~^) Nice to meet you all, see you around. You'll most likely find me with the traps though I like a bit of…
im fresh and new yooo peeps been a guest here since like 2 years ago lol but now im a memeber n shit so welcome me noooow lol!!!
[ Locked ] Hello Fellow Fappers! Hello Freezero here! Well I'm a male but my age is a secret for obvious reasons. My usual online handle is either Freekidd or Freezero and please dont ask how I ended up with those names XD. I enjoy m…
Yep, I'm here. Now what else? Yes, hello indeed to a hentai website that has a forum (Do hentai websites even have communities?) My username is "InternetCritic", because I am critic from an animation website, but I don…
Hi *grumbles need longer title* I've never been great at intro's so I will try to make it short. I got directed to this community a few days ago when went down (rest in pea…
HSD.Fresh Hi guys, just joined fakku! Nice to meet you all, I had a previous account but its been a while since ive been here. Ill be in your care from now on. :D Oh yeah, would anyone know when i c…
Hello and Such. . . I'm new here obviously. Don't know what else to really say, but its nice to meet anyone who responds on this topic.
I am a Lurker. 'Nuff Said. With that being said, nice to meet you all. I am THE lurker and I lurk on the tags: Dark Skin Glasses Tan Lines Glasses Wincest Glasse…
"awesome one-liner goes here" hey everybody! i've been visiting fakku for a LONG time as a guest so i finally decided to create an account. not really good at writing these sorta things so i'll keep this short. My name's timothy o…