Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Welcome to The World :D The title supposed to be aimed at myself, but whatever right? :) And so nice to meet you all. I finally decided to join to take a peek of the doujin collections in here. A litt…
Hey pervs ^^ Haha, that would make me one too, seeing as i'm on this site so don't get all offended. ^^ Anyways, my name's Anth and i live in Queensland, Australia. I've pretty much been into manga &am…
Uhmmm, so like HI! ...and I'll just say this off the bat; I don't like hentai. In fact I absolutely abhor the stuff. I don't even know why the lot of you bother with this garbage! Buwahahha, yeah OK - seriou…
ello its rance + ragna+ pedophille= rance the pedoedge lol shout out @kaimax :3 lol
XRiku180 Hi just wanted to tell people what I like and what kind of person I am. I like a lot of kind of hentai and I have watched this site for quite some time now and only just made an account. If you want t…
I...It's not like I want you to like me or anything!! I had been planning to make an account on here a while ago, but never really did until well, today. I've frequenting Fakku for quite some time now, so I might as well join the community, neh?…
Lurker----Poster Hello everyone. My name is Kyle aka Kairu90. I have been visiting here for a long time, and finally decided to post. I am sure there are many others with that same story. I am 21 yea…
HEY help get me out of here Hey fakku ppl im lance and im a NEET, i need something better to do can someone help me out of this shit hole im stuck in haha DW. Do you want to know more? (haha got to love starsh…
Hi Again, making another intro post because it's been awhile Computer is fixed and stuff, figured i'd drop by the forums again. making another intro post because i think it's been like nine or so months so i've posted here? so yeah, hi again.
Joshiro Hello! I am Joshiro! I would like to introduce myself. I am just a plain man who shares a common interest as all of you. I just would like to see what all of you guys could bring me if you have anythi…
Kanye West, The Doors, and Neon Genesis Evangelion That's all you need to know about me. Hi I've been on here for a minute but just recently thought about joinin' the community. And if you want to know more about me here are somethings yo…
Tu~ Tu~ Ruu~, Soharunyan desu! Well, hello there Fellow Fakku-goers. I've already got a pretty nice of points on here, but since I've never properly introduced myself I felt that I should take the opportunity to do so now. Why not,…
Tentacle Surrealist Girl is here. Sooo, Hello everyone. My name is Demonata(For now), around 2 years back. I found Sadly I wasn't old enough to make an account. But now I am. (Or maybe I was too stupid to find the "CREATE A…
Yo~!! Hiya everyone^^ I've been visiting this site for a while and am finally making an account :D I love anime,(no way) and manga and Fakku is definetly the best site for what it do…
Hello everyone Hello my fellow Fakku fans I have been visiting Fakku and reading the forum for about 1 year and i never created an account for some odd reason =3 Iittle about myself: Im a guy…
Harro (^-^*)/こんにちは 始めまして。私は清美です。どうぞよろしく Hello, I am Kiyomi. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope you will treat me kindly.
Call me AE Hi, I'm Ben, but you can call me AE. Long time IRCer, but with that chat medium mostly dead, I figured I could make the jump to forum use. I feel a lot like the new kid in front of the cla…
Food is Sex and Sex with Food is Better Now that I have gotten everyone's attention, your all fired. < Reference to what Haha now that I truly have your attention I just wanted to say hello. My name is, well I'm not going to give y…
I'm back. After like a long time I managed to get the motivation to go back here. I was here like a long long time ago (internet time). So yeah, clean slate. Oh and hello to new faces an…
200 posts & one VN upload I introduce myself. Hello to all, I've been here for a little while now. I enjoy the finer things in life like books, milfs, jazz, model kits, and fighting games. Also ignore the my profile name, it is derived from a jok…