Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Whoopitidoo. Hi Okay, My Post count and rep should state, that i've been here for a while but i never introduced myself so i'll do so now. The name is Melfice or melf, I'm 20 yrs old, student of machinic …
hello~ :P hi everyone~ haha been a lurker for quite awhile but finally decided to make a profile~ nice to meet you all and hope we can get along well.
Good Evening So I've been around snooping on the forums/site for a while, and decided to finally make a profile and get into the community a little more. I love video games (who doesn't?), writing, an…
Hi!! So after lurking for quite a while now, something peaked me into pressing the little button on the top left corner of the site. Call Akemi or Kemi-tan as some of my friends call me. I was …
I'm such a slowpoke I've been reading manga here for...a year? More? Less? I don't know, I haven't kept count. But I didn't realize until recently that Fakku had a forum. I'm from Sweden, so my grammar might…
Hello, nice to meet you all I have been watching for the last few months, now I thought I join the fun. My english sucks but I do the spell-check on Google :D....well nice to meet you all :)
Greetings, From Outer Space. Or something like that. So, I WANTED my Debut to be with the 2,000,000th post. But apparently like seventy people were just WAITING for it. So, instead, I'll go ahead and post here. …
Hello My name is n0va Hello my name is n0va... well I already said that didn't I ^_^ I've been lurking for about a year now and decided that I'd finally join the fun officially. I look forward to making great friends with …
Hello!!! :) Hi all! I just found this forum today while perusing zee Internets for Desert Punk hentai. From the posts I've read through, everyone seems very friendly, and I'm glad to join and contrib…
Homeboys hows it beenin yo nigga's I will be a good nigga this time, but yo I FUCKED YO BITCH cunts
Hello all Hello glad ot be here love to meet new people interested in the subject
hello ^_^ hello, im obviously new here it would be nice to feel welcome ^_^ my favorite anime is shuffle... i felt obligated to say so so yeah O,o
Hello everyone Hello everyone I'm not new to fakku but I'm new to the forums so looking forward to meeting you! P.S. Call me anna! (name already taken)
Hello I finally decided to join Fakku! after a year of lurking. Well, not really. I've been meaning to join for a long time, but whenever I enter the site and see the mangas... Yeah, I end up being happy an…
Reintroducing: Unsigned I haven't been coming to the forums lately, probably because of a loss of interest. I do just come for the H and leave sometimes. I'll post through the forums like ... Anime and Manga, and General Dis…
Random Lurker Appears! Yes, I know it was lame, but I'm in a good mood. Well anyways, hello Fakku! I've finally decided to create an account after I noticed the Cooking Contest! Being that cooking is one of my …
I have come forward Hey there my name is BabyPanda. I am an aspiring Video Game Designer, I smoke Swisher Sweets Strawberry Blunts, I like hentai, and I love bagels. My fetishes are: Forced…
New Here! Hello(: Hey guys, I'm new here. First off, you can call me Bun. I've been watching anime since I was young and reading manga since before that. I…
I Have Approximate Knowledge of Everything Thumbnail
I Have Approximate Knowledge of Everything I know almost everything Just like how I know that the creator of Fakku is "Jacob Gravy" APPROXIMATE!
Hows it goin? So I have been going to fakku for a long time now but never really thought to use the forums. So I figure what the heck and may as well jump in the fun. A few things bout me. I play Video …