[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
Hello, Fakku Denizens. I'm new here, sort of.
I've been off since 2009 and thought I should make a new account, because I missed the community so much.
I really hope I can be a contributing member to…
hello,hello,hello Hello I'm new here my name Tifa16 I love hentai, manga, anime and video games
if you have any question about me I would love to answer them
Hello!!! Hi!!!
I have been lurking around the site for around 2-3 years now so i guess it is pretty much time to say hi to everyone here =)
I love food, hentai, anime, sports and cute …
Well hallu thur! Hi! I'm Annie (as my name pertained). I'm 20, finished university with a degree on Communication Arts, majoring in Media, and freelancing as a gr…
Itz 3zzy Hey namez 3zzy and...I enjoy reading the mangas here. Some of my fav anime are HOTD, Bleach, Naruto, and vaarious other ecchis >.< . I like watching hentai too >.<. If you have any questio…
Keep coming back for more- Hello! I've been stalking this place since it began, and I've finally gotten around to making a proper account. Please take care of me~
Hrm, introductions: I'm an ambivalent lesbian otaku…
Hello everyone... Hello everyone... I'm John Vagobagin... You can call me John, Vago or as you want...
Well, I already knew of FAKKU's existence, but I never made an account until a few days ago...…
Could anyone help me? (im new) [size=12] [/h] i really need some tips on fakku.net...and could you help me where to locate the tabs...ya know...like tsundere, oppai, or …
my topic title was too short before /: heyoo guys!
I'm new around here and I thought I'd introduce myself.
I imagine you guys get posts like these a dime a million.
this site is sooeeet.
I've been lurkin for years…
Grand Entrance So I Joined last week after months of Stalking this site and watching it undress I decided to take it to the next level, and now that I am inside of it I think we should meet formally.
Hey All Hey everyone. I just made an account to Fakku. I have been coming here for about the past year and a half, and thought that maybe it was time to make a profile thingy do (: Incase anyone is interested…
Manga lover & twitter fan hi everyone i'm addicted to manga and i love twitter, i want to meet with people who feel the same way and where i can talk on twitter about manga movie ... so put your twitter i'll follow you. mine …
owww... im back but rehabs a bitch
that sucked like hell i was gone for almost 2 weeks when that mutherfucker t-boned my truck right on my driverside door, now im out of the hospital and in rehab FUCK I…
Hello! Hey there...This is actually my return to Fakku after quite a few months. I was Ayanami 00...so im back..as just Aya....nice to meet you all! again :D
Hello Everyone! Hello everyone...I'm new to Fakku, so go easy if I ask a stupid question or two. I like most kinds of H...except for the rape and incest stuff.
noobtube hai, my name is wolfdawg and im fif-...eighteen.
I was a lurker for about 3 months, then really got into the whole hentai thing. fap fap fap fap fap....
I joined because I noticed there wa…