Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


right screen name this time sorry forgot my login info
Hello :) ^_^ Hi everyone, I'm new here as you will all likely be able to tell. Just call me Haezel :D Stumbled across Fakku a few months ago, but then realized that I couldn't be on for the time being... T_T I…
New!?!? Hi! So...I joined Fakku! A while back now...but I recently hit my head very hard..and now suffer from a minor amnesia. I can't remember quite well when I joined, so Im making one of these again...I gu…
I Have Returned God it's good to be back. I have been away for over a year due to no internet and work, but I am back again. for those of you who remember me i am the truck driver who use to keep a where am i today l…
Dandandan... 3 times coz I can Guess what my name is? Yeah all kidding aside I'm here to look at hentai and all sub-categories therein... well maybe not all. And trolling forums for something interesting when I'm bored, I am only h…
Hi Everyone! Hi! My names Jun, im a 22 yr old male workin away in the Aviation Industry and living in Canada. Been around this site for many many months now and finally FOUND the JOIN button!! lolz hard for me i …
Oh hello Hoi, I'm mostly new. I lurk more than it is healthy to. Not much else to say; I can be pretty quiet some of the time. :/
Hi everyone~ Yet another newb joined the fakku-family! I hung around this site for about a year and I finally got the courage to join. Hobbies are: Gamin Manga drawin' (But I'm …
New, but not new Hello I'm tobi and just as a previous post I have also just found the join button, there was no members or free section so I just assumed I just clicked on anything lol. Nice to finally jo…
Gaspard Hello everyone, i'm french, i've 33 years old and i'm roofer-zinc worker. I prefer parody (Full metal panic, eureka seven, bleach...)but i like too some other work of specific artists (Kim…
Hello Fakku hello there everyone, i thought i would introduce myself properly before i become properly imersed in fakku and find myself not being able to turn back, so, im Dan, or as some might know me, Mr Tickle…
Hi Fakku! Hi everyone, Im new here. Visited this site for the first time a while ago, now I visit it about 2x a week I think. (sometimes 5x a week, sometimes 0x a week :P) I never was into man…
Hi Everybody Hi fellow fakku comrades!!!!!!!!! I've been using fakku for such a long time and have finally decided to create an account here
Melonbread Mongler enters the scene, hello everyone! Hello everyone! I'm Melonbread Mongler. I've been looking at Fakku from time to time the last 1-2 years I believe, mostly the front page for some goodies. I believe I found my way to Fakku…
Konnichiwa. Hey there Fakku! I'm new here, so I'll be in your care! I hope to meet new friends here too. :)
Hiya Though I've visiting this site regularly but decided today to sign up so here's a short introduction. I live in The Netherlands and music wise I listen to rock and metal. I play bass guita…
Nice to meet you all *bows* My name is Gabriele. I live in Italy, I'm attending fourth year of high school (here we have 5 high school's years and to pass the fifth one we get final exams xP), I love english and pretty all the l…
[ Locked ] Hello~ I'm a girl. Hey I looked at your thread, pretty amazing. Welcome to fakku forums!
Hello from this one guy. I'm Tepel. I'll be perusing your fine selection of animated sexual comics, trolling trollers, and lurk on this here forum. Howdy.
Nice to meet you all!! :) Hi I'm Jay. I'm a 24/m/TX. I just joined today and your forum so far is awesome :)))