Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


I make promos Hey everyone! I'm the hentai lover that made this promo for Fakku I have a little blog call…
Hello fellow Fakkers ^_^ Hi folks. I've been a longtime hentai fan for many a year but never felt the desire to join a community. I always considered it a bit of a solo hobby but then I found Fakku :)…
Hamka My name is Hamka, I'm 20 years old and I've been lurking around on the site for about a month or two. Thought I'd check out the forums and introduce myself to the community here. Current…
Memes. Hi, im a person and im alive (I think?) Yoroshiku.
Coming off of 4chan Hey everyone. I don't interact with people on the internet very much, and when I do it is usually as an anon on 4chan, primarily /a/. Needless to say, /a/ is not a good place to meet people or to be r…
Ayeee Hey so uh I've been around for awhile but finally decided to make an account cause why the fuck not. I'll just be looking around, fapping, and commenting on shit. I'm 19 and a girl btw. I graduated a …
Hi all! I'm from Germany and i want to say hi (finally) to everyone. I'm around Fakku since the early Days and have an Account since 5 Years. I'm just very withdrawn Guy, so it tooks much to post here and not…
Heya, lurker decided to participate for a bit Ye^ Kinda lurked every now and then for a few years in the past(in IB and CTFG). I actually downloaded quite a bit of stuff like VNs and stuff from this forum back in... 2009-2010 ish? ye.…
Hi, it's me. I have a question for you. Heya! I'm coffee! I think I've posted here once before but it's been so long I can't remember. /: I have a question for you that have subscribed for FAKKU. do you like your su…
Hello My username is corpseflower but call me corpse for short. I guess ill introduce myself. Well im 18 and a guy who spends most of his time gaming. Heading to college im gonna major in biology then head …
Hey guys, I'm Jack I've been at this community for a while, never had an account.
Aloha everyone Hi all, Finally I found time to create my Fakku-Account. The name's Medium, Maken Medium, nice to meet you.
Hello Hello I'm Lady Victorious. Brain Bacon.
Hello :) My name's Jack (not my real name, though). I've lurked several times here since I'm a perv and I think it's time for me to make an account. Hope I can get along well with my fellow pervs here :D
Hey, I'm Jack Hey guys, just joining this community after being a lurker for quite a while. Also in the process of making a 2D adult game.
Hello I'm a newbie
Hello all ^-^ I am rather new to the site and just saying hi xD and whats good to look at on here ^^ i mean i'm not picky.
Hello everyone Hey, everyone . Stumbled across the forum and just sort of decided to introduce myself. I always knew that something like Fakku existed and might have visited it before, a…
[ Poll ] FAKKU! love it? Back in the swing of things Ive been to probably every website known to humanity, been to every forum and traversed the inter web, finding myself back here because of a great community, which begs a question. Plus its been like …
i love hentai Hello fellow fappers, I'm Marcus and I've been on Fakku for a very long time but I've never really bothered to use the forums being the socially awkward guy I am. Anyway, I thought I'd finally get in…