[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
A little late Been here for awhile but I thought I'd introduce myself better late then never
General video games for consoles enjoy a compelling JRPG once and awhile
Hey! I'm new here! I have a weird username, I know, so I guess you should call me Zeke. I've been in this site for years, and just decided to make an account, so yeah. :P
I'm an engineer that is based in Nagoya.. Since I don't want to go to stores with strange people I asked my friend where I can read japanese comics, so he showed me this site. These…
Hi All! Why do i even write it? Well, the reason why I'm here is obvious. I love reading manga/hentai and watching anime. I'm fan of studio Shaft, especially: syonara sensei and bakemonogatari. I also play gu…
Well, Hello Fakku Long-time lurker here, And previous long-term member of Lu.scio.us. Ever since their new layout change, Fakku has been my new Hentai home. So now I finally created a…
Hello People Of The Internet I made an account here last month, but my internet got shut off soon after so i'm really just starting today with fakku. I got on here a few times before i made the account to read doujins, but then i…
My Name is Saki and i Hope i Enjoy my Stay ^ ^ . Hello to all Denizens of Fakku! Forums,my name is Sakito in Reality and i'm an average User in various sites like 2chan and sometimes 4chan, i do some scripts for my Circle for their doujinshis or "Fa…
Hello ^^ Hello,
I have known about this site for a while now and finally decided "why not?" and signed up xD this is the first community I've joined when it comes to hentai/doujinshi stuff so hope …
The usual intro Long time lurker, finally decided to cement my connection to this community. (the fact that im drunk prob isnt a factor in this.. probably)
My main e-hangout is narutoforums, incase any of…
Introduction time? Time to introduce myself I guess. I've been lurking the Fakku forums for about three years now. But only recently have I've started taking a liking to the forums. I am currently 19 years old and I enj…
Hello I'm generic and irritating Yeah, I've been here a while but haven't created an account until now. I'm on my mobile (No computer at all) so I can't upload a photo so I guess I'm stuck being generic
(T ^ T;
I just w…
Hello everyone Greetings from Indonesia
I'm an avid manga hentai lover and recently I did (or tried :D ) some translation into Indonesian language. Hope to meet new and exciting friends here on Fakku.…